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Hindutva emphasizes the sacredness of cows, viewing them as 'gaumata,' the divine mother, essential for human welfare and spiritual harmony. A saying often quoted in Hindutva circles is 'गौमाता के श्रृंगार से मनुष्य तात्त्विक और भौतिक रोगों से मुक्त होता है।' This translates to 'By adorning oneself with the blessings of the cow, humans find liberation from both spiritual and physical ailments.
Another saying is: "गौ की जीवनदायिनी शक्ति से कृषि का विकास होता है।" which translates to "The life-giving power of the cow enhances the development of agriculture." This highlights the importance of cows in farming and agriculture, emphasizing their role in providing essential resources such as dung and urine for fertilization and natural pesticides.
Arka Goshala is located at 8028 FM 2153 in Aubrey, Texas. Our sanctuary is nestled in the serene countryside, offering a peaceful and picturesque setting for our residents and visitors. With its tranquil surroundings and convenient location, Arka Goshala provides a welcoming environment where Bos indicus cows are cherished, and Vedic farming practices are embraced.
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